- Housekeeper
- Coronado
- California
- $ 12.96 / hour
Job Description: 2nd TIMERS ONLY (STUDENTS WITH A SOCIAL SECURITY CARD). Why should you work for Hotel Del Coronado? · Competitive wage! · Location- Coronado is just 5 miles from downtown San Diego! · Couples and groups of up to 3 friends are encouraged to apply! What is the weather like in Southern California? San Diego is one of the top-ten best climates in the Farmer’s Almanac and is one of the two best summer climates in America as scored by The Weather Channel. The months of May-September tend to be almost completely dry with many sunny and partly cloudy days. The average high temperatures for the summer season are between 72°F (22°C) and 78°F (26°C). Rising from water's edge on the quaint island of Coronado in San Diego, the Hotel del Coronado is considered one of America's most beautiful beach resorts. A classic historic hotel, The Del was built in 1888 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977. Today, The Del offers travelers contemporary luxury in an enchanting Victorian atmosphere. Add the resort's beachfront location, and it's no wonder USA Today calls The Del
Housekeeper: Responsabil pentru curatenia tuturor zonelor hotelului. Trebuie sa mentina standarde ridicate de curatenie in camerele oaspetilor si in holuri. Trebuie sa aspire, stearga praful, sa schimbe asternuturile, sa inlocuiasca prosoapele si articolele de toaleta etc. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu oaspetii hotelului; ajuta la mentinerea unei forme fizice bune. Lucrind in hotel vei avea posibilitatea de a interactiona cu personalul, cu toate departamentele cunoscind minutios procesul de mentinere a numelui acestuia, vei face parte dintr-o echipa energica, vei invata standartele pe care le urmeaza industria hoteliera pentru a fi renumit. De asemenea vei avea posibilitatea de a comunica direct cu oaspetii hotelului, acestia fiind din diferite regiuni, state, tari, socializind cu ei ai sansa de a-ti crea relatii de prietenie pentru intreaga viata, de a-ti imbunatati nivelul de engleza si de a obtine multe impresii ce tin de comportamentul si atitudinea diverselor nationalitati intilnite. Pentru straduinta manifestata in indeplinirea sarcinilor de a multumi fiecare oaspete ai posibilitatea de a fi rasplatit cu generozitatea acestuia exprimata in tipsuri.