- Dishwasher
- Gustavus
- Alaska
- $ 8 / hour
Job Description: Students are eligible for an end of season bonus as long as they stay through their work agreement dates. Students accrue $0.50 bonus for every hour work and $0.75 for every overtime hour worked. We provide a variety of events for our employees including employee parties, bbqs and trips. We have an Employee Activities Manager onsite planning these events. ARAMARK is a leader in professional services, providing award-winning food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to health care institutions, universities and school districts, stadiums and arenas, and businesses around the world. ARAMARK has approximately 255,000 employees serving clients in 22 countries. To learn more about ARAMARK, visit www.aramark.com.Are you looking for a memorable summer? Do you want to have the best summer work experience & make some great new friends? If you said
Dishwasher: Responsabil pentru spalarea veselei, utilajului la bucatarie si tacimurilor. Trebuie sa supravegheze starea echipamentelor între zonele de depozitare si de lucru, sa evacueze gunoiul si sa mentina in ordine toate zonele bucatariei. Rareori va fi necesar sa stringa vesela de pe mesele oaspetilor si sa ajute la pregatirea bucatelor. Restaurantul ofera pentru aceasta pozitie un mediu curat, permanent pregatit si aprovizionat cu toate substantele de curatare, uniforma protectoare de umeditate, astfel creind un anturaj sanatos, placut pentru angajat. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie angajatul isi va dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; va avea posibilitatea de a comunica cu angajatii americani in limba engleza; de a invata cum lucreaza un restaurant pe diferite nivele si care este structura organizatorica a unei echipe de bucatarie ce straduie zilnic pentru mentinerea numelui restaurantului si multumirea clientilor.