• Restaurant Worker
  • Galveston
  • Texas
  • $ 3.13 / hour

Gaido's of Galveston, Inc.
Start Date
20 May 2015
3.13$ / hour
1 / 30
English Level
End Date
12 Sep 2015
No, in the region around 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Pozitii disponibile: 1.Back-waiter - $3.13/hr + tips; 2.Bartender, Bus Staff and Food Runner - $3.13/hr + tips; 3.Cook - $9; 4.Server - $2.13/hr + tips; Note: All positions/candidates start in the back of the house (kitchen/busboy/expo). If a participant excels and has a high level of English, there may be a chance to move to front of the house (server/host). Everyone starts in the back of the house. - $3.13/hr + tips; participants will be guaranteed $7.25 minimum wage/hr Restaurant and Hotel-A tradition of excellence for over 95 years, Gaido's restaurant was started back in 1911 when S.J. Gaido first opened his doors to the public. Visitors often arrived to the restaurant by horse and buggy, boat or on the old interurban line. The Gaido family's commitment was to make the trip worthwhile with the best in service and thefreshest seafood available.

Restaurant Worker: Responsabil pentru patru atributii principale: interactiunea cu clientii localului, prepararea alimentelor, procesarea platilor si curatenia. Trebuie sa indeplineasca rapid si precis comenzile si sa demonstreze sensibilitate la nevoile individuale ale clientilor, atit in spate cit si in zonele de luat masa. Trebuie sa invete sa opereze cu echipamentul necesar. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea sansa de a cunoaste cum functioneaza intregul proces de lucru al localului pentru a obtine satisfactia clientilor, vei vedea si invata cum se prepara spectrul larg de mincaruri oferite de local si vei fi implicat la direct in prepararea acestora. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a invata tehnici si retete de preparare a bucatelor noi; de a comunica cu angajatii americani in limba engleza; de asemenea comunicarea cu clientii, servirea acestora cu acuratete si intr-o maniera politicoasa iti va aduce bacsis multumitor si imbunatatire a nivelului limbii engleze.

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