- Photographer / Printer
- San Antonio
- Texas
- $ 8 / hour
Job Description: * Housing additional info: The hotel will provide FREE transportation to the students from/to work, and in many other places within a 5 mile radius. The sales person of the hotel is willing to offer trips to downtown San Antonio to the students at a very cheap rate, to fulfill the cultural component on the SWT program. After contracting with the hotel, they gave us a group rate for an extended stay. After the first 30 days, students will be reimbursed taxes on weekly rent paid for the first month and will no longer pay taxes for the rest of their program. Students will be accommodated in 1 bedroom suite. The one bedroom suite has two queen beds and a sleeper sofa. Complimentary hot breakfast is offered daily, as well as 3 dinners a week. Laundry is provided on site, as well as free Wi Fi, outdoor pool and fitness center. All this amenities and meals are included in the total amount of weekly rent.
Photographer / Printer: Responsabil pentru stabilirea contactului cu trecatorii sau vizitatorii unui museu/ loc popular pentru fotografierea acestora. Trebuie sa convinga turistii sa cumpere fotografiile facute; sa tipareasca calitativ fotografiile folosind utilajul angajatorului si sa incaseze banii. Pozitia este o provocare caci ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu multi oameni noi din diferite locatii, state, tari, sociabilitatea fiind prima si cea mai importanta calitate va contribui la acumularea unei experiente de neuitat, legaturi de prietenie poate pentru intreaga viata, iti vei imbunatati considerabil nivelul limbii engleze iar creativitatea te va ajuta sa obtii multa satisfactie din pozitia ce o detii.