• Resort Worker
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Montana
  • $ 8.25 / hour

Delaware North at Yellowstone
Start Date
20 May 2015
8.25$ / hour
3 / 8
English Level
Yellowstone National Park
End Date
13 Sep 2015
Yes, 23$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Delaware North at Yellowstone operates 12 general stores located throughout Yellowstone National Park as Yellowstone General Stores. The stores offer a variety of products and services including gifts, apparel, groceries, food and outdoor recreation. Yellowstone General Stores beings together enthusiastic people from all over the world to provide exceptional guest service to 3 million park visitors each year!Position may be one of the following: Food Service Associate, Fry Cook, Sales Associate.Must be able to lift 22kg. Position locations: 1.Old Faithful Village: 1 Old Faithful Loop Road, Yellowstone National Park 2. Grant Village: 1 Grant Loop Road, Yellowstone National Park 3. Fishing Bridge: 1 East Entrance Road, Yellowstone National Park 4. Tower Falls: 1 Tower Falls, Yellowstone National Park 5. Lake Village: 1 Lake Loop Road, Yellowstone National Park 6. Canyon Village: 1 Circle Drive Canyon Village

Resort Worker: Responsabil pentru confortul oaspetilor prin garantarea faptului ca camerele si zonele publice sunt curate si corect prezentate. La fel pot fi asignati si cu alte responsabilitati in conformitate cu necesitatile statiunii de odihna. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu oaspetii hotelului; ajuta la mentinerea unei forme fizice bune, comunicarea zilnica cu clientii va contribui la imbunatatirea nivelului de cunoastere a limbii engleze, iar munca manifestata cu placere iti va oferi o experienta de neuitat petrecuta intr-un anturaj placut, bine amenajat si iti vei face prieteni atit din personalul angajat cit si din vizitatorii resortului.

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