• Ride Operator
  • Old Orchard Beach
  • Maine
  • $ 7.5 / hour

Palace Playland
Start Date
07 Jun 2015
7.5$ / hour
2 / 2
English Level
Old Orchard Beach
End Date
05 Sep 2015
Yes, 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: This amusement park is located right on the beach in Old Orchard. A beautiful location, many second job opportunities. Old Orchard Beach has been welcoming tourists and families to its beautiful 7-mile stretch of perfect sand beach for over 170 years. Families love all of the family-friendly activities and amusement parks including the veritable beachfront Palace Playland Park. There is nightly entertainment including dancing at the end of the Pier, plus weekly fireworks and concerts, world-class golf, fabulous fishing, whale watch tours, bird-watching and so much more. Old Orchard’s Pier is the center of the recreational offerings. Extending nearly 500 feet over the Atlantic Ocean, the Pier features shops, eateries, games of skill, and nightlife. For additional information about the area’s lodging, dining, attractions, and shopping, visit the Old Orchard Beach Chamber of Commerce web site.

Ride Operator: Responsabil pentru ordinea la urcare si coborire de pe dispozitivele din parcul de distractie. Trebuie sa admita pe platforme un numar anumit de personae, sa ajute sa urce copiii si persoanele in virsta, sa acorde informatii, sa puna centurile de siguranta si sa se asigure ca barele de siguranta sunt corect pozitionate; la fel si sa colecteze platile. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea posibilitatea de a cunoaste o multime de oameni din imprejurimi sau din diverse locatii, state, astfel iti vei imbunatati considerabil nivelul de comunicare in limba engleza, de a te imprieteni poate pentru intreaga viata cu persoane cunoscute in perimetrul localului; iti vei dezvolta capacitatile de gestionare operativa si eficienta a timpului, iar buna dispozitie creata clientului, grija manifestata pentru siguranta lui si amabilitatea de deservire a acestuia iti vor fi rasplatite cu diverse bonusuri- tickete la film, petreceri si jocuri gratuite.

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