• Server / Host
  • Hillsborough
  • New Jersey
  • $ 2.13 / hour

New Jersey
Start Date
20 May 2015
2.13$ / hour
0 / 1
English Level
End Date
13 Sep 2015
No, in the region around 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Founded nearly three decades ago on the principles of exceptional value and family fun, Applebee's Services, Inc., operates what is today the largest casual-dining chain in the world. This prominent eatery draws people of all ages and lifestyles with its fun, family-friendly atmosphere and signature bar and grill menu. Applebee's continues to grow and prosper, and further differentiates itself with innovative attractions, like serving healthy meal alternatives. And the company continually works to add greater value and broaden its appeal, as evidenced by the "It's a Whole New Neighborhood" campaign, which launched in the spring of 2008, indicative of a fresh, re-energized approach and the promise of new, enticing menu items. At Applebee's Neighborhood Grill, employees and guests alike are part of the best neighborhood around! The Applebee's in Totowa, NJ is located in a mini-mall near the scenic Passiac River!

Server / Host: Responsabil pentru luarea comenzilor si livrarea alimentelor si bauturilor. Trebuie sa creeze buna-dispozitie a clientilor, sa le ofere recomandari si sugestii; sa lucreze eficient cu bucataria; sa seteze mesele si sa proceseze platile pentru comenzile efctuate. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie ai functia de a oferi doza de satisfactie si placere a oaspetilor, de creare a dispozitiei placute a acestora pentru intreaga durata a aflarii lor in local. Pozitia iti ofera posibilitatea de a cunoaste multi oameni noi din diverse regiuni, state, tari; de a dezvolta abilitatile de comunicare in limba engleza si de a obtine impresii asupra comportamentului diferitor nationalitati. Straduinta ce o manifesti fata de deservirea fiecarui client iti va fi rasplatita prin generozitatea acestuia de a te multumi cu tips-uri.

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