- Crew Member
- Rehoboth Beach
- Delaware
- $ 8 / hour
Job Description: Work at an American classic, McDonald's! Enjoy the ocean and beach. Shop at the outlet stores for designer goods at discounted prices. Take a bus to the US capitol, Washington DC. Located on the Delaware Shores, the Rehoboth Beach Resort Area is known for awesome restaurants, specialty stores, amusements. Rehoboth has a quaint small town feel – a real walking downtown and all the fun, relaxation or excitement you could ask for. Dewey Beach is just a short walk from Rehoboth Beach and is located between the Atlantic Ocean and Rehoboth Bay. Dewey offers beach sports and activities as well as great restaurants, majestic sunsets, live music, dancing, and nightlife that is world famous for adults of all ages. During the summer, Dewey offers family activities including movies and bonfires on the beach. The Resort’s Gateway (Highway One), offers a “mile of style” at the famous Tanger Outlet Center. Nature based activities include kayaking, nature cruises, ferry rides, walking trails,surfing, skimboarding, paddleboarding, sailing or exploring the water’s edge. Just add historical venues and live performing arts to make your stay in the “Nation’s Summer Capital” a perfect one.
Crew Member: Responsabil pentru patru atributii principale: interactiunea cu clientii localului, prepararea alimentelor, procesarea platilor si curatenia. Trebuie sa indeplineasca rapid si precis comenzile si sa demonstreze sensibilitate la nevoile individuale ale clientilor, atit in spate cit si in zonele de luat masa. Trebuie sa invete sa opereze cu echipamentul necesar. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea sansa de a cunoaste cum functioneaza intregul proces de lucru al localului pentru a obtine satisfactia clientilor, vei vedea si invata cum se prepara spectrul larg de mincaruri oferite de local si vei fi implicat la direct in prepararea acestora. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a invata tehnici si retete de preparare a bucatelor noi; de a comunica cu angajatii americani in limba engleza; de asemenea comunicarea cu clientii, servirea acestora cu acuratete si intr-o maniera politicoasa iti va aduce bacsis multumitor si imbunatatire a nivelului limbii engleze.