- Housekeeper
- Denali National Park
- Alaska
- $ 8 / hour
Job Description: ARAMARK is a leader in professional services, providing award-winning food services, facilities management, and uniform and career apparel to health care institutions, universities and school districts, stadiums and arenas, and businesses around the world. ARAMARK has approximately 255,000 employees serving clients in 22 countries. To learn more about ARAMARK, visit www.aramark.com.Are you looking for a memorable summer? Do you want to have the best summer work experience & make some great new friends? If you said "YES!", then the Denali National Park McKinley Village Lodge is the place for you!Located seven miles south of the park entrance and nestled along the banks of the Nenana River, McKinley Village Lodge is spread over 20 acres and offers visitors an opportunity to explore and enjoy the beautiful Denali National Park! The Village Lodge is spread out into seven two-story buildings and a newly renovated Summit Lodge with outdoor seating on a deck with an exterior fire-pit and breathtaking views of the Alaskan wilderness. Students are eligible for an end of season bonus as long as they stay through their work agreement dates. Students accrue $0.50 bonus for every hour work and $0.75 for every overtime hour worked.
Housekeeper: Responsabil pentru curatenia tuturor zonelor hotelului. Trebuie sa mentina standarde ridicate de curatenie in camerele oaspetilor si in holuri. Trebuie sa aspire, stearga praful, sa schimbe asternuturile, sa inlocuiasca prosoapele si articolele de toaleta etc. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu oaspetii hotelului; ajuta la mentinerea unei forme fizice bune. Lucrind in hotel vei avea posibilitatea de a interactiona cu personalul, cu toate departamentele cunoscind minutios procesul de mentinere a numelui acestuia, vei face parte dintr-o echipa energica, vei invata standartele pe care le urmeaza industria hoteliera pentru a fi renumit. De asemenea vei avea posibilitatea de a comunica direct cu oaspetii hotelului, acestia fiind din diferite regiuni, state, tari, socializind cu ei ai sansa de a-ti crea relatii de prietenie pentru intreaga viata, de a-ti imbunatati nivelul de engleza si de a obtine multe impresii ce tin de comportamentul si atitudinea diverselor nationalitati intilnite. Pentru straduinta manifestata in indeplinirea sarcinilor de a multumi fiecare oaspete ai posibilitatea de a fi rasplatit cu generozitatea acestuia exprimata in tipsuri.