• Room Attendant
  • Hoffman Estates
  • Illinois
  • $ 9.35 / hour

La Quinta Inn
Start Date
25 May 2015
9.35$ / hour
0 / 2
English Level
Hoffman Estates
End Date
09 Sep 2015
Yes, 75$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: At every La Quinta hotel, you'll find a dedicated staff and comfortable, affordable lodging
perfect for business or leisure travel.
LQ Management LLC is one of the largest operators of limited-service hotels in the United
States, with over 80,000 rooms. Based in Dallas, Texas with 9,000 employees nationwide,
La Quinta operates and provides franchise services to more than 800 hotels in the U.S.,
Canada and Mexico under La Quinta Inns and La Quinta Inns & Suites brands.
Enjoy consistently clean and comfortable guest rooms and suites with many of the frills you
would expect at higher priced hotels, such as our Free Bright Side Breakfast® and
refreshing swimming pools, all at some of the most affordable and competitive rates
anywhere. And because we value your input and want to keep you coming back, we
continually upgrade and refurbish our properties with modern amenities and useful services
that you request.
Note: Free breakfast every morning.

Room Attendant: Responsabil sa creeze confortul oaspetilor prin garantarea faptului ca zonele publice si camerele sunt curate si corect prezentate. Trebuie sa aspire, stearga praful, sa schimbe asternuturile, sa inlocueasca prosoapele si articolele de toaleta etc. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a interactiona cu oaspetii hotelului; ajuta la mentinerea unei forme fizice bune. Lucrind in hotel vei avea posibilitatea de a interactiona cu personalul, cu toate departamentele cunoscind minutios procesul de mentinere a numelui acestuia, vei face parte dintr-o echipa energica, vei invata standartele pe care le urmeaza industria hoteliera pentru a fi renumit. De asemenea vei avea posibilitatea de a comunica direct cu oaspetii hotelului, acestia fiind din diferite regiuni, state, tari, socializind cu ei ai sansa de a-ti crea relatii de prietenie pentru intreaga viata, de a-ti imbunatati nivelul de engleza si de a obtine multe impresii ce tin de comportamentul si atitudinea diverselor nationalitati intilnite. Pentru straduinta manifestata in indeplinirea sarcinilor de a multumi fiecare oaspete ai posibilitatea de a fi rasplatit cu generozitatea acestuia exprimata in tipsuri.

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