- Dishwasher/ Prep Cook
- Fairbanks
- Alaska
- $ 10 / hour
Job Description: ***First-time J1 participants preferred. Fairbanks in Alaska's Great Interior the majesty of Denali captures the horizon and thousands of caribou migrate across the tundra while Northern Lights dance above. Fairbanks offers you a variety of activities from the great outdoors to arts and culture. Fountainhead Development offers participants a great job in a supportive working environment including providing housing to all international employees. FDI's hotels include Sophie Station Hotel, Wedgewood Resort Bear Lodge (located on the grounds of Wedgewood Resort) and the Bridgewater Hotel. You will be working at the Wedgewood Resort, one of Fountainhead Development properties.
Dishwasher/ Prep Cook: Responsabil pentru depozitarea, portionarea si pastrarea alimentelor in bucatarie. Trebuie sa cintareasca, spele, curete diverse alimente, sa pimeasca si stocheze alimente, sa pastreze in ordine ustensilele, frigidere si echipamentul la bucatarie. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea sansa de a cunoaste cum functioneaza procesul de lucru al echipei din bucatarie pentru a obtine satisfactia clientilor, vei vedea si invata cum se prepara delicioasele mincaruri traditional Americane si diverse mincaruri internationale in care vei fi implicat la direct in preparare. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a invata tehnici si retete de preparare a bucatelor noi; de a comunica cu angajatii americani in limba engleza astfel obtinind imbunatatirea nivelului acesteia.