• Dishwasher/ Prep Cook
  • Myrtle Beach
  • South Carolina
  • $ 9 / hour

Tupelo Honey Cafe
South Carolina
Start Date
20 May 2015
9$ / hour
0 / 1
English Level
Myrtle Beach
End Date
13 Sep 2015
No, in the region around 100$/weekly
Job Details
in offices
Second Job

Job Description: Tupelo Honey Cafe is famous for unique, flavorful, scratch-made, Southern cuisine with creative culinary influences. The Myrtle Beach Tupelo Honey Cafe will open in February 2015 and will be the newest location of the group of nine restaurants. Located in the upscale shopping district of Market Commons Tupelo Honey will provide unique and fun seating environments with a large indoor dining area as well as a beautiful open patio, where guest can sit, drink, dine and enjoy exciting flavors, and fresh menu offerings. We even have a giant boat converted into a special dining area! Tupelo Honey Cafe makes the best biscuits around. Top off a biscuit with some of our custom made blackberry jam and you’ve got a fantastic start to a memorable meal. At Tupelo Honey Cafe our values are simple: Integrity, Passion, Genuine Service, and Profitability. Our first season in Myrtle Beach is sure to be an exciting one. The area of Myrtle Beach offers many attractions,most famous for its 60-miles of beach, with access to the sparkling Atlantic Ocean and Inland Waterway. Boating, fishing, surfing, kayaking,scuba diving, parasailing, windsurfing, and many other outdoor water activities are readily available for a day excursion. Tupelo Honey Cafe – Myrtle Beach is a unique opportunity for student-workers to explore one of the most popular tourist destinations on the east coast while participating in the once-in-a lifetime opportunity to be part of opening an iconic new restaurant location creating an experience that guests will return back to experience year after year.

Dishwasher/ Prep Cook: Responsabil pentru depozitarea, portionarea si pastrarea alimentelor in bucatarie. Trebuie sa cintareasca, spele, curete diverse alimente, sa pimeasca si stocheze alimente, sa pastreze in ordine ustensilele, frigidere si echipamentul la bucatarie. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie vei avea sansa de a cunoaste cum functioneaza procesul de lucru al echipei din bucatarie pentru a obtine satisfactia clientilor, vei vedea si invata cum se prepara delicioasele mincaruri traditional Americane si diverse mincaruri internationale in care vei fi implicat la direct in preparare. Acest job dezvolta capacitatea de gestionare a timpului eficient; ofera posibilitatea de a invata tehnici si retete de preparare a bucatelor noi; de a comunica cu angajatii americani in limba engleza astfel obtinind imbunatatirea nivelului acesteia.

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