- Food Runner
- Ocean City
- Maryland
- $ 4 / hour
Job Description: Dead Freddies in Ocean City was opened in 2010, is the newest one. According to Dead Freddies Manager, Tara Wancowicz, the name of the establishment was created through a customer contest when Parkville first opened. The building was already named Freddies and the owners wanted to keep the sign so they began a contest on who could come up with the best name that included Freddies. “Our staff is motivated, friendly and professional. “Every category of positions here, whether you’re a bar back, or a bartender, or a prep cook, they are all just as important because they all know they have to rely on that person,
Food Runner: Responsabil pentru livrarea bucatelor pregatite la mesele oaspetilor localului. Trebuie sa verifice ca mincarea comandata sa arate corespunzator; sa duca farfurii grele in timp util; sa asiste alti membri ai resturantului dupa necessitate. Lucrind in aceasta pozitie ai posibilitatea de a mentine contactul cu clientul de la intrarea acestuia in local pina la plecarea sa, servind bucatelele si bauturile cu amabilitate si acuratete ai sansa de a comunica cu fiecare in parte astfel imbunatatindu-ti nivelul de cunoastere al limbii engleze, de a cunoaste multi oameni din diverse regiuni, state, diferite nationalitati iar pentru implicarea ta de a satisface asteptarile oaspetilor vei fi multumit cu tips-uri.